How Managers and Patients Benefit From Clinic Scorecard

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 retail-oriented clinics, also called the walk-in type of clinics, are a big help to them. Through these clinics, patients suffering from minor illnesses like flu, fever and colds get instant medical attention. For the doctors and clinic managers, it is a gold mine. But with these advantages, however, come also the inevitable risks in management and quality service.Quantity should always be paired with quality. But it can not be denied that the quality of service could be reduced especially when the aim is to attend to the most number of patients. For clinic managers, it is also a tough work for them. Not only are they obliged to serve patients sufficiently, they also have to operate their clinics in a way that is financially efficient for them. Business strategies are no stranger to managing a clinic. And while financial and risk management systems have helped businesses run efficiently in the last few years, fortunately, clinic managers now have a partner – the clinic scorecard strategic management system.Scorecard, as it is more popularly known, is not just another management system that incorporates inventory tracking, sales and accounting. It is actually more focused on managing strategies that will help clinics reach their ultimate success. Think of scorecards as a measuring system that tells doctors how far are they in terms of attaining business success. The process involves converting strategies into minute but detailed goals. These facts will be elaborated later but generally this strategic management system has two advantages: improve satisfaction for patient and increase the operational efficiency of the clinic.The clinic is one of the most complex businesses to operate. Perhaps because of all the types of businesses, clinics have the highest demand of customer satisfaction, in this case, patient satisfaction. Whether the place is run by the doctor himself or by a private owner, the manager must find a way to meet the needs of patients without having to sacrifice quality. For example, if there are no available drug supplies or medical facilities in the clinic, the manager must see to it the patient will be handled just accordingly. He may refer the patient to another clinic.On the other side, the manager must also make sure that he orders just the right volume of supplies to avoid excessive inventory especially with drugs that, most of the time, have short shelf lives.How do scorecards help managers during these circumstances? Simple. The system is implemented using a software that will give managers a track report in a scorecard format, just like what grade school students get after an exam period. The process starts by identifying the goal of the clinic and then converting that into a particular measure. For example, if the goal of the clinic is to become the clinic of choice for their market, then the measurement of success will then be based on the number of returning patients.As the clinic increases its database of customers, the system will generate a score reminding the managers on their progress. Scorecard results are usually limited to the knowledge of the clinic managers. In some cities in the US, however, the scores of clinics are revealed to the public. This way, patients will get an idea as to which clinic in their area has the most efficient service.The clinic scorecard strategic system is indeed a boon to clinic managers and patients. In these days when prices of medicines are higher and quality health care services are scarce, people need to be very efficient. This is how the scorecard helps them.

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