Michael Kors has made a name for itself in the fashion industry with its signature MK logo on bags, shoes and clothing. It’s been around for more than 30 years and is still one of the leading names in the business.
If you’re in the market for a new handbag, you might have a hard time choosing between Coach and MK. Both brands offer a variety of styles and textures including Nappa leather, coated canvas, suede, and pebbled leather.
The most popular style is the large tote bag, which has plenty of room for your essentials and is a great investment if you’re looking for a designer bag with a budget in mind. This particular model is available at Walmart for a bargain price of $103 and features a large zippered main compartment and two exterior pockets.
It’s a good idea to do a bit of research before making a purchase. There are a number of sites and resources that can help you with this. The most important one is your local Michael Kors store – they’ll be able to help you with your selection and provide any extra support you might need.
Another site to consider is the pre-loved MK page on Michael Kors’ website. This service allows users to sell their MK branded handbags and other accessories for 80 percent of the original cost, with the remaining 20 percent going back to the brand. It’s a bit of a gamble, but if you’re willing to take the risk, it could turn out to be your best investment yet. MK bag sale in uk